Different Popular Payment Models in SEO Industry

04:16 | , , ,

SEO companies. A lot has been written about them. Many of them spoke about the parameters on which to judge them. Most of these blogs are accurate and trustworthy. However, not many of these blogs actually spoke about a very important factor. How do you pay to these companies? No, we are not talking about the channel, it can be anything of your choice. We mean the payment model.

One certain SEO company in Bangkok would ask for the complete payment up front. They will show reasons like, what if the client doesn't pay after a whole month’s hard work. There has been such cases and frequently as well. Frankly, the SEO agencies are not Fortune 500 candidates nor are the most of the clients. Thus, many a times, the client didn't think about the reputation and stopped the payment. Unless the agency is of very high reputation, do not agree for this.

Some other agencies would ask for a payment at the end of the month. While this sounds a nice agreement, you must know that these agencies tend to charge more. This is nothing to frown at because they are simply adding the risk charges. Moreover, you should know that whatever the result of the campaign is, you are liable to pay at the end of the month.

If that sounds illogical to you, there is performance based payments. In this model, you pay only when a certain promised result has been achieved.


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