SGF Services

SGF Services is one of the leading internet marketing companies in Bangkok. We provide flexible packages and result-oriented internet marketing services at affordable prices.

Ecommerce Website Development

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SEO Company Thailand

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Ecommerce Web Design: Look and Functionalities

04:52 | , , ,

Ecommerce website design is different from the usual website design and it is more expensive as well. The simple reason is that ecommerce websites are like online shops where people are trying to sell products and services. Thus, the security of the website needs to be enhanced because financial transactions would take place on the website. Moreover, the website should have an easy product adding, product description add, edit, remove and modify options. Then, it should have an integrated shopping cart and if the seller is planning to offer special rates, rebates, discounts and coupon codes, he should be able to do that.

But these are the technical sides of ecommerce website design. For the aesthetic side, one must take care because nobody wants to buy from a website which doesn't look professional, clean or modern. There are multiple aspects to take care of. Firstly, the home page is the entrance to the website and it should have graphics which entice. However, the graphics shouldn't be too heavy because we would like the webpage to load fast as well. Secondly, the whole buying process should be smooth and linear and nowhere the client is to be distracted from his primary objective. Finally, the inner pages should have the same look and feel all over the website so that it look professional website.

The cost of ecommerce website design shouldn't deter you because this is an investment. You want to sell your products from this website and only professionally done website can do that.
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The Perils of Hiring Freelance Web Developers

04:36 | , , ,

Freelance web developers are often very talented and can really cater to your exact requirement. However, there is one big drawback and that is you can't really rely on them. If they deliver what they have promised, you have struck gold. However, if they don't, there is very little you can do apart from talking on the internet about how you were defrauded.

Firstly, the freelancer doesn't have a registered office. An agency would surely have that so you know where to go if things don't go like planned. The freelancers can have an office but most of the time, they have only an online presence and that suffices them.

Secondly, the freelancer might not be expert of everything. Web development, for examples, takes web design and coding, both into account and very few web developers in Thailand are actually masters of both of these arts. An agency would hire web developers and web designers for different purposes but the freelancer would do everything by himself which means it will either have a bad design or erroneous coding. You can't have the best of the both worlds.

Finally, freelancers might not deliver the project on time because most of the freelancers actually work somewhere else for a full time profession. Your project would get attention only when he is free from the primary obligation and thus, it will get delayed if his primary job doesn't allow him much time.

Consider these risks before choosing a freelancer or an agency.
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Different Popular Payment Models in SEO Industry

04:16 | , , ,

SEO companies. A lot has been written about them. Many of them spoke about the parameters on which to judge them. Most of these blogs are accurate and trustworthy. However, not many of these blogs actually spoke about a very important factor. How do you pay to these companies? No, we are not talking about the channel, it can be anything of your choice. We mean the payment model.

One certain SEO company in Bangkok would ask for the complete payment up front. They will show reasons like, what if the client doesn't pay after a whole month’s hard work. There has been such cases and frequently as well. Frankly, the SEO agencies are not Fortune 500 candidates nor are the most of the clients. Thus, many a times, the client didn't think about the reputation and stopped the payment. Unless the agency is of very high reputation, do not agree for this.

Some other agencies would ask for a payment at the end of the month. While this sounds a nice agreement, you must know that these agencies tend to charge more. This is nothing to frown at because they are simply adding the risk charges. Moreover, you should know that whatever the result of the campaign is, you are liable to pay at the end of the month.

If that sounds illogical to you, there is performance based payments. In this model, you pay only when a certain promised result has been achieved.
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Responsive Web Design Is The Present And Future

03:59 | , , ,

Web designing has evolved a lot from being a simple website making technology to an art where even the conversion rate or the mobile adaptability need to be taken care of. Thus, it is not simply finding the best agency for web design in Bangkok, hiring a content writer to write some fancy words and put it on the server. Among all the other advancements, responsive websites are being spoken about, by a lot of people, and for good reasons too. What are those reasons?

Responsive web design is making your website adaptive to the user screen so that the users can get the most of the website without much scrolling. Thus, you can understand, the elements, their sizes, shapes and positions are kept fluid and not fixed, this is why this is also called fluid grid technology. Once the website realises the screen size of the accessing device, it aligns the elements, the images, the texts, the menu, in such a way that the y beautifully cover the whole screen. In responsive web design, side-wise scrolling has been eliminated. Thus, only by scrolling up and down, one can view and access the whole website.

Responsive website is important because more smartphones and tablets are accessing the web than the traditional computers. There is no way of standardising the screen size and dimensions of the accessing devices. Thus, the website must be ready for different screens. Thus, responsive web design. With responsive websites, the websites will fit any screen beautifully.
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