Although there are a lot of elements when we talk about web design, few elements are far more important. One of which is usability which refers to how handy or user-friendly a website is or can be. Users may get bored, if your site is complex, hard to use and cluttered. A site’s good usability may incur high traffic, people’s attention and may increase your business as well. It may be a simple attribute to a website design but can bring in a massive difference in popularity and visitors interest as well. You can command your hired internet marketing company in Thailand to pay attention to the following features to make it more user-friendly and increase its usability:
• Layout: The design or page layout should be simple to follow and allow users to access all the tools and resources that they are seeking without much effort or hassle.
• Content: Content which is informative, compelling and well composed will always attract more visitors.
• Navigation: A website design should be a clear architecture that makes its user to easily get around and easily access the navigation tools.
• Overall design: It is wiser not to include heavy graphics, images or other such illustration which may only create chaos leaving your user in a confused state to move ahead or not.